Real Property Management North Puget Sound

The Dos and Don’ts of Electrical Wiring Upgrades for Your Lake Stevens Rental Property

Owning an older rental property in Lake Stevens can be a good investment, especially if you are willing to perform necessary upgrades. As rental properties age, so do their essential systems, such as the plumbing, heating and cooling, and electrical systems.

As electrical wiring gets older, it can cause several problems. Older wiring is also not very efficient and may increase utility costs. Adding heavy appliances, new lighting fixtures, or technology hubs to an old wiring system can cause electrical shocks, blown fuses, and overheated outlets. Aged electrical wiring is also a fire hazard, starting over 5,000 house fires in the U.S. each year.

When it’s time to upgrade the wiring in your rental property, there are many dos and don’ts you should know to safeguard your investment property—and your occupants—from injury.

At the same time, identifying what not to do is just as important.

To learn more about electrical upgrades, maintenance plans, and other property management services offered by Real Property Management North Puget Sound, please contact us online or call us at 425-903-8500 today!