Real Property Management North Puget Sound

Creating a Healthy Habitat: Room Temperature Guidelines

The ideal temperature for your home is dependent on some crucial factors, namely the location, the time of year, and personal selections. Usually, your home’s healthiest temperature is between 68 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature range is fine for some people and can help prevent health problems like dehydration, heat exhaustion, and hypothermia.

But on the other hand, the optimal temperature for each room in your house may differ. As an example, the bedroom should be cooler than the rest of the house, with a temperature between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature range can help you sleep better and diminish the risk of bringing about sleep-related health problems. These suggestions will help you and your loved ones stay comfortable and healthy throughout the year.

Adjust Home Temperatures as Needed

The majority of people oftentimes find a temperature range between 68 and 76 degrees Fahrenheit great. But on the flip side, it’s vital to note that the optimal temperature may be different for certain individuals or rooms in the house.

For instance, the World Health Organization (WHO) advises a temperature of about 64 degrees Fahrenheit for a healthy, fully-dressed adult. This temperature is considered optimal for sleeping likewise. Moreover, they recommend that the disabled, elderly, or young should be in rooms no colder than 68 degrees Fahrenheit to fend off health risks. Furthermore, if you or someone in your household has allergies or respiratory issues, keeping the room temperature above 61 degrees Fahrenheit is appropriate. Low temperatures can set off respiratory problems, specifically in people with asthma or allergies.

Optimal Temperature by Room

Change the temperature in particular rooms for optimal health and comfort based on where you spend almost all of the time. Opt for the following temperatures:

Always be aware of any symptoms your body may show you. If you feel too hot or cold, it may signify that the temperature needs to be adjusted. Furthermore, if you come across symptoms particularly headaches, fatigue, or dry skin, it may be a hint that the temperature is not optimal for your health.

Be sure your rental home is adequately insulated to prevent heat loss during the winter months. Secondly, make use of curtains or blinds to keep out sunlight during the summer months to keep your home cool. Assess making use of a programmable thermostat to change the temperature automatically based on your schedule and choices.


If you’re looking for a new rental home, we encourage you to think about RPM North Puget Sound as your eventual destination. Our firm offers a wide and diverse selection of finely crafted homes in Everett and the surrounding area with the help of an outstanding team of property managers. To learn more concerning our offerings, we encourage you to call us at 425-527-6562 or to browse our available listings at your convenience.